
88订单网会员 第12年

楊煥銀 (男)
广东汇联达化工有限公司位于交通便利的广州天河东圃化工城内,广州化工城系广东最早最大型化工原料集中批发地之一,本公司是集研发、生产、销售和服务为一体的供应商,成立多年来一贯秉承质量第一、顾客至上的经营宗旨,积极贯彻以人为本,以质取信的经营理念和靠一流的产品质量,真诚的经营信誉,在同行中享有盛名,取得了良好的社会和经济效益。几年来,在社会各界的关心支持下,经过我们的共同努力,本公司现已跟上海、天津、江苏等省份多间厂家合资联营,成功在广东建立了产品销售窗口,共同开拓南方这个广阔的大市场,从而实现共同发展达到双赢之目的。                                                                                                                                                        发展才是硬道理,面对全球经济一体化带来的机遇和挑战,我们将居安思危,紧跟世界发展的时代步伐,与时俱进,勇于创新,开拓市场。在激烈的市场竞争中磨砺了意志,锻炼了才干,铸就了自信。我们的专业产品由水杨酸, 水杨酸甲酯,水杨酸钠, 水杨酰胺, 乙酰水杨酸,5-磺基水杨酸及其系列产品,拓展到硫酸氢钠(无水级),亚硫酸氢钠,焦亚硫酸钠,氟化氢钠等有机及无机化工原料、油墨及涂料添加剂、精细化工、助焊剂原料、药用中间体及进口(注:我公司是日本FUSOCHEMICAL CO.,LTD华南区域总代理商)化工产品等等。并根据顾客要求及需要,为顾客寻找稀有罕见的化工原料,特别为客户提供检验各种化工原料的品质测定和开发产品配方分析测定的技术服务。                                                                                                                                                        面对加入WTO机遇与挑战,我们将在更广阔的市场中寻找差距,努力拼搏,走有自己特色的经营之路,诚信———-是我们公司经营之本,生存之基、信誉之源!广东汇联达化工有限公司的昨天感谢您的关心支持,今天需要您的关怀和厚爱,热情欢迎全国各地厂商前来指导,洽谈业务,让我们携手共进,共创辉煌的明天!                                                                                                                                                        诚信——是我公司营销的硬道理!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Company introduction Guangdong huilianda Chemical Co., Ltd. located in Guangzhou Tianhe Dongpu Chemical City, Guangzhou Chemical City, Guangdongs first large-scalechemical raw materials wholesale of concentration, the company is a research and development, production, sales and service as one of the suppliers, set up over the years has always uphold the quality first, customer first business purposes, and actively implement the people-oriented business philosophy, to the quality to win the trust and rely on the first-class product quality, goodbusiness reputation, reputation in the peer, and achieved good social and economic benefits. In recent years, with the concern and support from all walks of life, through our joint efforts, the company has with the Shanghai, Tianjin,Jiangsu, a number of manufacturers joint venture, success in Guangdongestablished sales window, the co-development of the south the vast market, so as to realize common development and achieve win-win purpose. The development is the hard truth, in the face of global economic integration brings opportunities and challenges, we will be vigilant in peace time, keep up with the world development of the pace of the times, to keep pace with the times,innovation, open up the market. In the fierce market competition to sharpen the will, exercise ability, cast the confidence. Our professional products by salicylic acid, Methylis salicylas, sodium salicylate, salicylamide, acetyl salicylic acid, 5-sulfosalicylic acid and its series products, expand to sodium bisulfate (waterlevel), Sodium Bisulfite, sodium metabisulfite, sodium fluoride and other organicand inorganic chemical raw materials, printing ink and paint additives, fine chemicals, raw materials, flux pharmaceutical intermediates and import (Note: our company is Japans FUSOCHEMICAL CO., LTD general agent in Southern Chinaregion) and chemical products. And according to customer requirements and needs, to find rare rare chemical raw materials for the customer, especiallyprovide testing various chemical raw materials quality determination and analysis technology service determination of product for customers. Facing the opportunity and challenge of entering WTO, we will find the gap, in the broader market in hard work, walk own road of the management, integrity - is our business, survival, reputation based source! Guangdong huilianda Chemical Co., Ltd. yesterday thanks to the concern and support you, you care and loveneed today, warmly welcome the manufacturers from around the country to come to guide, negotiate business, let us work together, create brilliant tomorrow! The hard truth faith — is my company marketing!
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